
Seismic’s Increasing Share Price: The Basics

Seismic Capital’s share price is increasing, as of June 1,…

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Creating Value for Seismic Companies (and Investors!)

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Seismic’s Gift Shares: Plant a Seed for Their Future

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Doing Our Due Diligence: KYC/AML Considerations

Our commitment to KYC and AML regulations – for our investors' sake.

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Why We Seek Non-traditional Entrepreneurs

As a non-traditional VC firm, we have a natural affinity with non-traditional startups.

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Our Commitment to ESG

See how environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards can match performance.

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Diversification Benefits

An investment in Seismic goes towards a portfolio, rather than a single company.

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How We Pick Companies

Learn about our thorough, scalable process for reshaping venture capital.

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First Thursdays: Intro

Watch the first episode of our weekly series about Seismic, our future, and venture capital.

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First Thursdays: Qualified Small Business Stock (QSBS)

Due to the QSBS structure of our offering, you may be able to get tax advantages on your investment.

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Adding Venture Capital to Your Portfolio

Learn about Seismic’s huge potential and why we think VC should have a place in every investor's portfolio.

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Diversify Your Portfolio

With Seismic, you can diversify your portfolio with an investment in a holding company, rather than a single startup.

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Hear From Our Leaders

Hear about how we are changing the venture capital ecosystem and why our leaders are investors in the fund.

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